Review Category : Images

Images: Anti-Vision, Generation Decline, Azijnpisser, Hard Pipe Hitters, Dissociate July 31, 2022 at American Legion Post 8

Apologies for the lateness of this review, but I’ve decided that moving forward I’m just going to become the procrastinated reviewer. This past couple of months there’s been some absolute bangers in Vegas like Frank Turner, Subhumans, New Found Glory, and Less Than Jake. While it’s great to see these legends, It’s important to remember that all of these bands were once nameless openers at small DIY gigs grinding their way across their respective country trying to rummage up a following. So even if it’s a bit late, I think it’s important that we try and highlight some of the talented acts that are putting in work today just to share their noise and message. It would also be absolutely criminal if we didn’t try to distribute the fantastic shots shared with us by Rachel Skye.  So let’s start by giving a shout-out to the venue; American Legion Post 8. ...

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Images: The Shins, Joseph July 22, 2022 at The Theater at Virgin

I wasn’t sure what to expect from the band Joseph, who opened the night, but I was blown away. The stage lights came up, revealing the Portland-based band comprised of three sisters. The band is fronted by Natalie Schepmand and her sisters, twins Allison and Meegan Closner. The trio took no time introducing themselves, their powerful vocals an introduction enough, and launched right into their first song of the night, “Planets.” The trios’ powerhouse harmonies captivated the attention of the audience immediately. I loved the simplicity of the performance, their unique voices intertwining and harmonizing while Schepman played primarily acoustic guitar stomping her neon green cowboy boots on a pedal for percussion. They played an unreleased song, “Fireworks,” inspired by the show Love Island that got significant reactions from the crowd and followed it up with a cover of Brittany Spears’ “Toxic.” The sisters ended their set to the sounds ...

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