I am always excited when there’s a new venue in town, so I was interested to see what the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center has to offer. The 85,000 square foot outdoor space is reminiscent of a festival setting, surrounded by tents marked “BEER” and “DRINKS.” The crowd setup is reminiscent of some shows at The Joint, with a gated off VIP area close to the stage, and general admission behind the VIP barricade. This late October evening allowed for perfect weather, but I don’t know how well the outdoor appeal will hold up in the coming winter and summer months.
As the sun set, part of Tokyo’s ONE OK ROCK took the stage. Starting with just two members, they really know how to command the attention of an audience, and their presence made the stage feel complete as the rest of the band joined them. Their set was much shorter than expected, playing just five songs, including “Take Me To The Top” off of their new album 35xxxv. Even though I don’t know a single line from any of their songs, they each sounded so unique and I enjoyed every moment of it. It was hard not to get wrapped up in the fan excitement as the group exited the stage to the ending of “Mighty Long Fall.”
Next up was another international band, Neck Deep from North Wales. They’re always a pleasure to watch. Even if you’re hearing them for the first time – you are immediately engaged. Frontman Ben Barlow jumps and runs around on stage, never letting fans see a glimpse of fatigue. Opening the set with their new track “Citizens of Earth,” their energy was infectious, even as they slowed it down to “A Part of Me,” which was a clear crowd favorite. If you ever get a chance to catch their set, I highly recommend it.
Based on the amount of Sleeping With Sirens t-shirts I saw in the crowd, I think it’s safe to say that all of the local Hot Topics are currently out of stock. The eager crowd grew anxious with the wait time before SWS took the stage, but the setup time was well worth it, as the production for their set was on point – complete with huge flashing letters reading “SWS.”
The entire band took it into their hands to keep the movement alive, and did not just leave it to frontman Kellen Quinn. As soon as the opening notes of “Congratulations” hit, fans went crazy, and it was easily a favorite of the night. The crowd melted over the stage banter that I felt out of the loop with, as someone who doesn’t listen to the band regularly. As a band with a prominent front man, I was surpised that Sleeping With Sirens took the extra time to showcase their drummer with a drum solo, which wouldn’t be complete without a member yelling “WHAT ARE THOOOSSSEEE” over the microphone.
I was surprised that the crowd didn’t seem to thin after their set ended and “Ni**as In Paris” blasted from the speakers suddenly. Slightly confused, I figured it would fade out within moments, but once the song ran completely through, All Time Low took the stage, making their set feel like a party before it even started. Opening with “Satellite,” from this year’s Future Hearts, the divide between new and old fans became immediately clear. The fans that sang, and danced along to the opening tracks tended to be different from the ones cheering along to “Poppin’ Champagne” and other older tracks such as “Weightless.”
As someone who listened to them actively 2008-2011, I figured I would be an outlier only knowing music from that time period, but I wasn’t alone. Thankfully the gap in discography knowledge didn’t stop the crowd, which happily bounced along to every song. At one point ATL had the crowd vote on the next song: “Remembering Sunday” or “Therapy.” “Remembering Sunday” won by a long shot, and had what seemed to be the entire crowd singing along. Frontman Alex GasKarth followed up with a staple “Vegas,” or rather the first verse and chorus. And of course, their set wouldn’t be complete without fans throwing various items such as bras, shirts, and even the occasional tampon on stage.
They ended strong with their previously announced encore of “Kids in the Dark,” “Something’s Gotta Give” and “Dear Maria, Count Me In.” Mark Ronson’s “Uptown Funk” played out as we retreated to our cars.
-Hunter Wallace | https://www.flickr.com/photos/hunter_wallace/
- All Time Low by Hunter Wallace
- All Time Low by Hunter Wallace
- All Time Low by Hunter Wallace
- All Time Low by Hunter Wallace
- All Time Low by Hunter Wallace
- All Time Low by Hunter Wallace
- All Time Low by Hunter Wallace
- All Time Low by Hunter Wallace
- All Time Low by Hunter Wallace
- Sleeping With Sirens by Hunter Wallace
- Sleeping With Sirens by Hunter Wallace
- Sleeping With Sirens by Hunter Wallace
- Sleeping With Sirens by Hunter Wallace
- Sleeping With Sirens by Hunter Wallace
- Sleeping With Sirens by Hunter Wallace
- Sleeping With Sirens by Hunter Wallace
- Neck Deep by Hunter Wallace
- Neck Deep by Hunter Wallace
- Neck Deep by Hunter Wallace
- Neck Deep by Hunter Wallace
- Neck Deep by Hunter Wallace
- Neck Deep by Hunter Wallace
- Neck Deep by Hunter Wallace
- One Ok Rock by Hunter Wallace
- One Ok Rock by Hunter Wallace
- One Ok Rock by Hunter Wallace
- One Ok Rock by Hunter Wallace
- One Ok Rock by Hunter Wallace
- One Ok Rock by Hunter Wallace
- One Ok Rock by Hunter Wallace
All Time Low setlist:
Kicking & Screaming
Lost in Stereo
A Love Like War
Dancing with a Wolf
Backseat Serenade
Cinderblock Garden
Remembering Sunday
Vegas (First verse and chorus)
Missing You
Do You Want Me (Dead?)
Don’t You Go
Poppin’ Champagne
Damned If I Do Ya (Damned If I Don’t)
Old Scars / Future Hearts
Kids in the Dark
Something’s Gotta Give
Dear Maria, Count Me In
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