Extreme Thing 2016, where do I begin…
The beginning works I guess.
I had my boyfriend drop me off. Always get dropped off to Extreme Thing. It’s far more convenient and adds to the nostalgic feeling of being 15 again and having to be dropped off.
The weather was perfect. Not too hot but still warm enough to be in summer attire. Sunblock is essential and somehow people always forget. But there was a nice breeze and shade here and there. I spent the first part of the day with Hunter Wallace, who was shooting the bands for Punks in Vegas. She brought me breakfast and tea and we were off.
First up were locals A Poison Alibi on the Xpoz Stage. For a local band early in the day, they got the crowd going wild. Once I got settled into the festival and began looking around I noticed that kids still look the way they did when I was young and first attending Extreme Thing. You know, “Free Hugs” painted on shirtless bodies, blue hair and racoon tails. The whole nine.
Next on my list of bands to see was local ska punk outfit Be Like Max. But first, I had to stop for some chicken fingers. Extreme Thing always brings out the best vendors. Funnel cake is life.
Be Like Max played the Xpoz Stage in 2013 but this time they were swinging with the touring acts on the main stage, and rightfully so. This was actually my first time seeing them, and I was immediately intrigued after they played through an entire song with full intensity and said, “That was just a soundcheck.” Their set started 30 minutes later. Everyone was skanking and it was a great time. The music was uplifting and energizing, and I particularly liked the trumpet and sax.
I swung by to see local hip-hop artists Snap Murphy and Shotty. Local hip-hop artist Snap Murphy looked hungover and later confirmed my suspicions when he said he was feeling ill with a fever. Feeling “ill.” He freestyled and included things that were going on in the crowd in his raps. Shotty had a powerful voice, rapping about big dreams and going places.
I finally found some shade at the Findlay Stage where Elder Brother, a The Story So Far sideproject, was about to play. These guys had nailed the “dad look” that’s so popular these days: baseball caps, khaki pants and neutral colors. They opened with “Wish You Were Here” and from there, their set was slow yet steady, relaxing without being boring, and always engaging.
Defeater played next and they were awesome. One of the best performances of the day for sure. They play a high energy style of hardcore and the crowd was ready to rage with them. Vocalist Derek Archambault held his mic out to the crowd often and everybody joined in, which is always nice to see. There was a moment in particular where the whole crowd swelled up and screamed, “I beg and I plead for her god to hear me!”
At past Extreme Things, I saw a lot of fighting during sets. This year, however, I didn’t see any violence the entire day. Maybe everybody grew up. Everybody was happy to be there and be with each other. It’s beautiful to see when music really brings people together.
Next up was State Champs, and they were wicked sick tight. The five guys who comprise the band, save for the drummer, had choreographed their posi jumps in such a way so that they were always in sync. This made them very fun to watch. My favorite song from their set was “Secrets,” and it was during this set that I saw the first of many crowd surfers to come throughout the day. It was “lit” as is the phrase these days.
Volumes’ performance was heavy and exhilarating. I wasn’t expecting them to be so heavy live. The two vocalists had the crowd “open up the pit,” and then things got way hardcore. The crowd was aggressive. Rapper Pouya was standing side stage watching the display. The guys gave him a shout out during their set. I guess they’re good friends.
Pop/rockers The Maine brought middle school flashbacks to my mind that were equal parts joy and cringe. EVERYONE was dancing and singing. Grown men were going off like their team won the Superbowl. Their music is fun to listen to because it’s bubbly and youthful like we all were at one point or another. Frontman John O’Callaghan did that thing where he teaches the crowd lines before they come in the song so everyone could participate confidently, avoiding the classic “peas and carrots” or “watermelon” lip sync move. He kept saying how great it was to be alive that day, and it really was.
I enjoyed a funnel cake by the Xpoz Stage with some friends under shade. Again, funnel cake is life. Then locals The CG’s played and they were fun. It was my first time seeing them and they reminded me of a more ska focused Leftover Crack. Harsh vocals and music with lyrics about anarchy and anti-establishment ethos. Everyone loved them and they certainly pulled the largest local crowd of the day. Huge.
Finally it was time for The Story So Far. They opened with “Heavy Gloom” off their newest self titled album (I believe you can read my review of that album right here). It was a great way to start their set. It should be noted that their usual guitar player, Will Levy, could not make it so their life-long friend Beau filled in and did a great job. The thing I love about seeing TSSF live is they always play a variety of their whole catalog. I’ve seen them a few times now and I feel like I’ve been able to see all their songs performed live.
Parker Cannon announced that his favorite song of theirs was “The Glass,” which happens to be my favorite song as well. Their was a girl crowd surfing with a boot-cast on her right leg which was concerning. Somewhere around this time, I took another crowd surfer’s foot to the dome. This was not fun. However when you’re up close watching a band that gets the crowd going the way TSSF does, this a risk that you take. After an hour long performance I was blissful for the remainder of the night.
Side note and let’s really talk about this now. When they gave you water this year they gave it to you sans cap. What the efff right!? I’m sure they had some stupid reason for it and it’s stupid. This really irritated me. Let’s not do that next year. Water bottles with caps. Thanks.
Bayside gave an awe-inspiring performance on the Monster Stage. I have always loved watching Bayside play live. They played the hits, naturally. Everyone in attendance knew every word and sang along. They also pull an older demographic than some of the other bands, so you saw a range of ages. There were quite a few youngsters on their parents’ shoulders singing and dancing which was cute to see. This made the set all the more special because it was for everyone to enjoy. At this point the sun was setting and my energy was depleting as it did.
Saosin headlined with Anthony Green at the helm. This is it. They were totally professional and comfortable with one another on stage. It was as if this was a band that had traveled for years together and cultivated a chemistry that is rare to see up close (Green famously left the band after just one EP in 2004). Anthony’s stage presence is always attention grabbing and just the right kind of bizarre, whether taking aim with an invisible bow and firing an imaginary arrow into the sky above the crowd or falling to his knees and then springing up like a man possessed. He had someone bring him a funnel cake mid-set. Funnel cake is life.
They played “Seven Years” and you would swear the whole city sang along. The crowd was huge and didn’t begin to leave until the band was finished. They captivated the audience completely. Who knows when we’ll get to see them this way again?
And that’s all folks. Go next year. Bring sun block. Eat funnel cake. Funnel cake is life.
-Rhiannon Price
Photos by Hunter Wallace | https://www.flickr.com/photos/hunter_wallace/
- Saosin by Hunter Wallace
- Saosin by Hunter Wallace
- Saosin by Hunter Wallace
- Saosin by Hunter Wallace
- Saosin by Hunter Wallace
- Saosin by Hunter Wallace
- Saosin by Hunter Wallace
- Mayday Parade by Hunter Wallace
- Mayday Parade by Hunter Wallace
- Mayday Parade by Hunter Wallace
- Mayday Parade by Hunter Wallace
- Mayday Parade by Hunter Wallace
- Mayday Parade by Hunter Wallace
- Mayday Parade by Hunter Wallace
- Nations by Hunter Wallace
- Nations by Hunter Wallace
- Nations by Hunter Wallace
- Nations by Hunter Wallace
- Bayside by Hunter Wallace
- Bayside by Hunter Wallace
- Bayside by Hunter Wallace
- Bayside by Hunter Wallace
- Bayside by Hunter Wallace
- Bayside by Hunter Wallace
- Bayside by Hunter Wallace
- The Story So Far by Hunter Wallace
- The Story So Far by Hunter Wallace
- The Story So Far by Hunter Wallace
- The Story So Far by Hunter Wallace
- The Story So Far by Hunter Wallace
- The Story So Far by Hunter Wallace
- The Story So Far by Hunter Wallace
- Chelsea Grin by Hunter Wallace
- Chelsea Grin by Hunter Wallace
- Chelsea Grin by Hunter Wallace
- 05 Chelsea Grin by Hunter Wallace
- Blessthefall by Hunter Wallace
- Blessthefall by Hunter Wallace
- Blessthefall by Hunter Wallace
- Blessthefall by Hunter Wallace
- Escape The Fate by Hunter Wallace
- Escape The Fate by Hunter Wallace
- Escape The Fate by Hunter Wallace
- Escape The Fate by Hunter Wallace
- Escape The Fate by Hunter Wallace
- Escape The Fate by Hunter Wallace
- The Maine by Hunter Wallace
- The Maine by Hunter Wallace
- The Maine by Hunter Wallace
- The Maine by Hunter Wallace
- The Maine by Hunter Wallace
- The Maine by Hunter Wallace
- Shotty by Hunter Wallace
- Shotty by Hunter Wallace
- Snap Murphy by Hunter Wallace
- Snap Murphy by Hunter Wallace
- Volumes by Hunter Wallace
- Volumes by Hunter Wallace
- Volumes by Hunter Wallace
- Volumes by Hunter Wallace
- State Champs by Hunter Wallace
- State Champs by Hunter Wallace
- State Champs by Hunter Wallace
- State Champs by Hunter Wallace
- State Champs by Hunter Wallace
- State Champs by Hunter Wallace
- State Champs by Hunter Wallace
- Defeater by Hunter Wallace
- Defeater by Hunter Wallace
- Defeater by Hunter Wallace
- Defeater by Hunter Wallace
- Defeater by Hunter Wallace
- Elder Brother by Hunter Wallace
- Elder Brother by Hunter Wallace
- Elder Brother by Hunter Wallace
- Elder Brother by Hunter Wallace
- Elder Brother by Hunter Wallace
- Set it Off by Hunter Wallace
- Set it Off by Hunter Wallace
- Set it Off by Hunter Wallace
- Set it Off by Hunter Wallace
- Set it Off by Hunter Wallace
- Be Like Max by Hunter Wallace
- Be Like Max by Hunter Wallace
- Be Like Max by Hunter Wallace
- Be Like Max by Hunter Wallace
- Be Like Max by Hunter Wallace
- A Poison Alibi by Hunter Wallace
- A Poison Alibi by Hunter Wallace
- A Poison Alibi by Hunter Wallace
- A Poison Alibi by Hunter Wallace
- Violent New Breed by Hunter Wallace
- Violent New Breed by Hunter Wallace
- Violent New Breed by Hunter Wallace
- Violent New Breed by Hunter Wallace
- Violent New Breed by Hunter Wallace
How of all of the bands you could photograph is Death by Stereo not on here? They were the only punk in the entire line up. How disappointing.