Aside from the usual honking, waves of people, and the general bustle of the place, there seemed to be an extra buzz on the Las Vegas Strip on Nov. 27. Kids were out in large numbers to see New Found Glory play 2002’s Sticks and Stones all the way through. You could feel the excitement while you looked for a parking spot, while you waited in a crowded staircase, and while you stood shoulder-to-shoulder with strangers waiting for the lights to finally dim.
Those who showed up early were rewarded with a great set by opener Seahaven. They somehow managed to make the large and bustling venue feel very intimate and serious. I was impressed by how good they sounded live, especially the vocals, which seem difficult to duplicate in a live atmosphere. “Understanding” stood out to me as well as “Black & White,” but what was particularly cool about their set was the moody melodies in between songs, setting the vibe for what they’d play next.
Up next was The Story So Far, who took the stage to wild cheers. The previous few times I saw them, it had been at small venues with small crowds. So it was pretty cool to see such a large group of excited fans. I spent as much time singing along as I did lifting people off the ground and trying to stay upright. “Daughters” resonates live better than any of their other songs and the soaring sing-alongs echoed in loud unison. TSSF finished up their memorable set with “Quicksand,” and left everyone anxiously awaiting the headliner.
As the minutes kept ticking until NFG, I noticed the diversity of the crowd. There were kids there who were barely starting their punk rock fandom, amongst those who showed up for a legitimate blast from the past. 2002 seems like a very long time ago, and yet, “Understatement” seemed as familiar as ever, oozing with New Found Glory’s trademark energy. The vocals seemed as clear as ever and the performance was as good as I’ve ever seen them. “The Story So Far” and “My Friends Over You” both take me way back and I’m sure I’m not alone. The electricity New Found Glory brings to the stage makes it easy to forget that the album that launched their career, and that you know every word to, came out over a decade ago.
-Felipe Garcia
Photos by Emily Matview |
- New Found Glory by Emily Matview
- New Found Glory by Emily Matview
- New Found Glory by Emily Matview
- New Found Glory by Emily Matview
- New Found Glory by Emily Matview
- New Found Glory by Emily Matview
- New Found Glory by Emily Matview
- New Found Glory by Emily Matview
- New Found Glory by Emily Matview
- New Found Glory by Emily Matview
- New Found Glory by Emily Matview
- New Found Glory by Emily Matview
- The Story so Far by Emily Matview
- The Story so Far by Emily Matview
- The Story so Far by Emily Matview
- The Story so Far by Emily Matview
- The Story so Far by Emily Matview
- The Story so Far by Emily Matview
- Seahaven by Emily Matview
- Seahaven by Emily Matview
- Seahaven by Emily Matview
- Seahaven by Emily Matview
New Found Glory setlist:
My Friends Over You
Something I Call Personality
Head On Collision
It’s Been a Summer
Forget My Name
Never Give Up
The Great Houdini
Singled Out
The Story So Far
All Downhill from Here
Better Off Dead
Truck Stop Blues
Anthem for the Unwanted
Sincerely Me
2’s & 3’s
Hit or Miss