We recently celebrated the first birthday of PunksinVegas.com with an anniversary bash at Alternate Reality Comics featuring Jesse Pino, Jeff Rowe and Bennett Mains. It would be awkward to review our own show (even if it was objectively and unequivocally one of the best shows ever). So before we get to the photos from that night, I just wanted to take this time to thank everyone who came out to support the show as well as everyone who has helped us out through contributions of time, talent and energy. Thank you to the bands, publicists and everyone else who has helped the site grow so much over the past year. I am humbled by all the support I’ve received and grateful for all the friends I’ve made doing this. Here’s to next year being even bigger and better!
-Emily Matview
Photos by Tyler Newton | http://500px.com/spottedlens
- Bennett Mains by Tyler Newton
- Bennett Mains by Tyler Newton
- Felipe Garcia by Tyler Newton
- Jeff Rowe by Tyler Newton
- Jeff Rowe by Tyler Newton
- Jesse Pino by Tyler Newton
- Jesse Pino by Tyler Newton