At the turn of the millennium, when every band was either crying about getting dumped or screaming about getting dumped, one band was brave enough to throw caution to the wind, get dressed up in costumes that would make KISS blush, and sing about chickens, running away, verbz, and wearing socks on your hands. While splitting singing and screaming was commonplace, how many other employed a real live bear (or at least, a Coalesce frontman in a bear costume)? Reggie and the Full Effect was like a bizarro world version of emo, what would happen if it was birthed through new wave instead of hardcore. They acted as a much needed catharsis in an era when more than a few emo bands took themselves a bit too seriously, but in 2008, they went on hiatus. Can it really be a coincidence that the economy collapsed just days after Reggie played their last show?
But you and the economists can breathe a sigh of relief because Reggie is back and last week, they rocked Backstage Bar, which was my first time seeing the band since a sparsely attended gig at Jillian’s in 2006. Back then, Dewees’ drug use was out of control, which I think contributed to the low turnout, something the singer made light of at multiple points during the band’s set this time around (including a story about how At The Drive In’s Omar Rodríguez taught James how to make crack, shortly after offering to show his dick for a free Reggie shirt). This show also had a low turnout, but probably due to the fact that being part of the Vegas Music Summit, it was competing with Hot Water Music playing right next door. Those not in attendance really missed out, as a mostly sober (he did partake in the plentiful amounts of fan-bought alcohol sent his way) Dewees and company put on one of the funniest – and musically tight – shows of the year.
When I arrived, out of breath after booking it over following Hot Water Music’s set, Reggie and company was just wrapping up “Kanji Tattoos…. Still In Style???” and getting ready to start the Under the Tray segment of the show, as they’re oddly touring on the album’s 11 year anniversary. Having seen the band on the original Tray tour a few times, I was impressed by just how on point things sound now, both the backing band (played this time by show openers Pentimento, who we unfortunately had to miss since they were playing opposite Hot Water but we’re pretty sure their set went something like this), and Dewees himself.
Surprisingly for a stop on an anniversary tour, Under the Tray was played neither in order nor in its entirety (yo James, where’s “Getting By With It’s”?). The album portion started in sequence, with the one-two punch of “Your Bleedin’ Heart” into “Congratulations Smack and Katy,” and the latter, one of the best pop songs of all time, had all thirty or so people up front shouting along. The real highlight of the night was Dewees’ storytelling between songs. We got to hear about what type of dog his English bulldog will have sex with (“no” to the dogs at the dog park, but “yes” to James’ cousin’s pit bull), his prediction that in the future, bands like Senses Fail will be selling autographed joints at their merch table, and the tale of being shot down by Bruno Mars when Reggie asked him to appear in the video for “37” (one audience member consoled him by saying that Bruno Mars is short anyway).
Like any good Reggie show, there were more than a few moments where I had to stop and just people watch a bit. Here we’ve got a man pushing forty dressed in a cooked turkey outfit singing about F-O-O-D, backed by what Dewees referred to as “sexy 20-something pilgrims” with about 3 dozen 30-something fans shouting every word. It was pretty incredible to watch the few random bewildered barflies stare on in disbelief. Those stares only intensified when Dewees came back out solo looking like what I imagine Officer Bradford will look like in another 20 years. This was, of course, for the Fluxuation segment of the show, James’ electropop alter-ego. James took full advantage of the barrierless venue by passing the mic around for “Mood 4 Luv,” ending by attempting to ride around the venue on my neck (sorry for dropping you James! Guess I need to up my daily squats from 0 to 1).
Reggie was such a huge part of my life during my college years so it really warms my heart to see the band back and better than ever (Side note: if you haven’t checked out last year’s Reggie release No Country for Old Musicians what are you waiting for?). Plus, I feel like we could all use more shows where you know you’re going to leave with a face sore from smiling. Now please don’t run away again, James!
-Emily Matview
Photos by Aaron Mattern |
- Reggie and the Full Effect by Aaron Mattern
- Reggie and the Full Effect by Aaron Mattern
- Reggie and the Full Effect by Aaron Mattern
- Reggie and the Full Effect by Aaron Mattern
- Reggie and the Full Effect by Aaron Mattern
- Reggie and the Full Effect by Aaron Mattern
- Reggie and the Full Effect by Aaron Mattern
- Reggie and the Full Effect by Aaron Mattern