Last week, I found myself back at it again at The Warehouse. It’s pretty cool that there are a bunch of shows happening here since it is one of the very few all age venues left in Las Vegas… or should I say Henderson? Same place, right?
I arrived at the venue just shy of catching full sets by Boy on Guitar and Meet Me In Montauk, two California indie bands who were last minute additions to this show (though checking them out online, I really wish my schedule had worked out differently). So the first band I saw fully was Coastal Skyway. They’re a local 5-piece with amazing energy, singing with the crowd and doing little jumps during the songs. But the highlight is definitely singer Meredith Ann’s incredibly great vocals! If you get the chance to see them you won’t be disappointed and you’ll have that chance soon, July 30 at Eagle Aerie Hall.
The next band was Tonight We Fight, playing stripped down in support of their upcoming acoustic EP. This was my first time seeing them play acoustic, with 2/5 of the band playing some sweet tunes that really captured the crowd’s attention. Some people were even sitting campfire style, just soaking in the music.
As Tonight We Fight came to an end GUTS was up next. GUTS is always a pleasure to see live, as they always bring so much energy with them when they perform. The Warehouse was pretty packed when they played and there were a bunch of people that didn’t really know their songs, but they were digging it, bobbing their heads and moving around. GUTS always puts on a 10/10 show so if you haven’t seen them yet, I advise you to check them out on July 10 at Wet n Wild!
Settle Your Scores from Ohio were up next. Their jumps and bass solos got a pit going all set, which was the first pit I‘ve ever seen at The Warehouse and it was pretty cool.
All the way from Sweden was Abandoned By Bears, With their two vocalists – clean and unclean – the band kind of reminds me of oldish Woe, Is Me. I really enjoyed their performance, they were really amazing and the crowd was really really into them.
San Diego’s For the Win followed and did not disappoint. They used up as much space as they could, jumping around and really getting into their instruments while the singer was singing back to crowd. They remind me of Neck Deep with a bit of Broadside thrown in, and that’s a great mix.
Finally it was time for locals Shallow Like Me and boy, I was not ready for this band. They spent their set going in and out of the pit and the crowd was having a great time. Shows like this are really fun to be a part of because you get to be really close and enjoy the music with fellow pop punk fans. Part way through, they shaved their drummer’s mustache off, which encouraged everyone in the room to come closer to him to record his last moments with his beloved ‘stache.
All in all, it was a great night at one of my new favorite venues in town.
-Margaret Schmitt |
- Shallow Like Me by Margaret Schmitt
- Shallow Like Me by Margaret Schmitt
- Shallow Like Me by Margaret Schmitt
- Shallow Like Me by Margaret Schmitt
- Shallow Like Me by Margaret Schmitt
- Shallow Like Me by Margaret Schmitt
- Shallow Like Me by Margaret Schmitt
- For the Win by Margaret Schmitt
- For the Win by Margaret Schmitt
- For the Win by Margaret Schmitt
- For the Win by Margaret Schmitt
- For the Win by Margaret Schmitt
- For the Win by Margaret Schmitt
- For the Win by Margaret Schmitt
- For the Win by Margaret Schmitt
- Abandoned By Bears by Margaret Schmitt
- Abandoned By Bears by Margaret Schmitt
- Abandoned By Bears by Margaret Schmitt
- Abandoned By Bears by Margaret Schmitt
- Abandoned By Bears by Margaret Schmitt
- GUTS by Margaret Schmitt
- GUTS by Margaret Schmitt
- GUTS by Margaret Schmitt
- GUTS by Margaret Schmitt
- GUTS by Margaret Schmitt
- GUTS by Margaret Schmitt
- Settle Your Scores by Margaret Schmitt
- Settle Your Scores by Margaret Schmitt
- Settle Your Scores by Margaret Schmitt
- Settle Your Scores by Margaret Schmitt
- Settle Your Scores by Margaret Schmitt
- Settle Your Scores by Margaret Schmitt
- Settle Your Scores by Margaret Schmitt
- Settle Your Scores by Margaret Schmitt
- Tonight We Fight by Margaret Schmitt
- Tonight We Fight by Margaret Schmitt
- Coastal Skyway by Margaret Schmitt
- Coastal Skyway by Margaret Schmitt
- Coastal Skyway by Margaret Schmitt
- Coastal Skyway by Margaret Schmitt
- Coastal Skyway by Margaret Schmitt
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