Vegas Archive: Boba Fett Youth – ‘Rare and Unreleased’

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[ezcol_2third]Check out part 1 and part 2 of the Boba Fett Youth archive.

Sometimes life gets in the way of “deadlines” here at Punks in Vegas, but after a slight delay, we are happy to roll out the third and final installment for Boba Fett Youth in the Vegas Archive. I found this batch of songs particularly interesting as it includes a demo of mostly unheard/unreleased songs. Some of these once lost gems are exactly what we hope to uncover with this archive project.

Nate also sent over a couple live radio shows that BFY played and recorded on 91.5 KUNV. It may be hard to believe for some, but the UNLV radio station used to play a lot of really cool punk, hardcore, metal, hip-hop, etc. Some of the DJ’s even invited punk bands to play live on the air directly from the studio.

Big thanks go out to Nate for compiling everything for this three part archive. In my opinion, Boba Fett Youth was one of the most important bands in Vegas punk and HC history, and I certainly had a lot of fun assisting him with these entries. Listen and read on and enjoy BFY part 3. – Lance Wells


Well, heck! Gathering these mostly unreleased and compilation songs has taken much longer than intended. I have personally played a final show with my most current band Elements of Now and have already started a new band, so it is tough for me to look into the past when I am focusing on the future! With that being said, thanks again to Lance and to Punks in Vegas for archiving all this stuff and ensuring it is available to all of you who are interested. For the Boba Fett Youth fans out there, there is a wealth of cool shit in this final installment. Sorry purists, there are parts where I tweaked the EQ, noise, limiting, etc. For the most part these tracks are surprisingly listenable, but some are a bit low-fi and they are in the archive just to complete the set so to speak.

Getting to the songs…right before Boba Fett Youth embarked on our last Northwest tour and split up we did a little recording session at someone’s house so we could have a few tracks ready in case we were asked for a song to contribute to any compilation type projects. “Big City Soup” is my personal favorite Boba Fett Youth song. Upbeat, yet rocking and powerful. “Frog Speaks” is second on the list. Both of these songs would have been great compilation songs. Andrew’s lyrics on this one are super. Third is “Compromise,” which ended up on the Bucky Records Comp My Parents Went to Las Vegas and All They Brought Me Was This Crappy 7” that featured various local Vegas bands. Finally, we remade a couple of our songs, “Irony Street” and “Ska Bus” in a slower style, which to us was hilarious, and we would often play them like this live.

We also put out a comp on Bucky Records called The Blue Whale which was a tribute to our blue van that went out on tour with us. There were several local bands along with some tour mates on this one. The songs are “Shrug” and “Scumrider.” Both tracks are a bit darker and really show a maturity in our songwriting style.

I am also adding two KUNV radio shows to this entry which feature songs and variations which might have not made it on a release. The first batch of songs is with our original drummer Chris Crud, while the second batch features Milo Tafoya on drums. And, yes, punk bands actually used to play live on the air from the KUNV studio.

And that sums up the third and final entry. I sure hope you all enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed putting it together. I love hearing all the entries from other local bands that are contributing! There were so many great bands during this era that I miss and would love to hear again. Thanks to all those who helped out with this project and may the force be with you!

– Nate Robards

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Boba Fett Youth
Rare and Unreleased

Andrew Kiraly – Vocals
Boyde Wenger- Bass
Nate Robards – Guitar
Milo Tafoya – Drums

About the author  ⁄ Lance Wells

The power of youth trapped inside an aging body. I like most things punk and hardcore. Just like Kev Seconds said, I'm gonna stay young 'til I die.

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